First off let me say that, while I believe we have a foundation in healthcare that is the envy of the world, I know and understand fully that we need to reform our country’s healthcare system. Most of the problems that contribute to the healthcare problems in this country are external factors that cause the cost to rise yearly if not daily. I have written some on those in the past, you can go back and read that later.
With that said, I think we need to look at healthcare reform as a series of small provable steps instead of one big leap of faith based in hype and predictions from a government that has a history of missing the mark on their own estimations.
During his most recent speech before a joint session of Congress, President Obama made the claim that we could pay for a large part of his new healthcare plan by reducing waste and inefficiencies in Medicare and Medicaid.
I think the President might be on to something, but don’t make this a part of one overall health plan. Make this first step the first healthcare reform bill introduced. Create a plan and bill that would do just what President Obama suggested; reduce the waste and inefficiencies of the existing government run healthcare programs in America.
If, and once, this is done, then these programs will not be in the red as they are now and you will have the money to expand benefits and make medical care more affordable. The government will finally be shown to be effective and we will have a better idea of where to go to take the next step in making America’s healthcare system truly the finest in the world.
It all starts with one simple step.
Good Health to All,
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