When the framers of the Constitution created this special document it was meant as a road map for the Federal Republic they imagined. This Republic was intended to work for the betterment of the member states to represent their common ideals, to stand for them in the international arena, and to coordinate their common defense.
The states would in turn control the happenings inside their own borders based on their individual cultures, ideals, and desires.
Over the course of the last 233 years, that framework the Constitutional Congress devised has been nit-picked and slowly eroded to the point where the elected officials in Washington feel it their job to control every aspect of our lives. Gone is the belief that the states know best how to handle their own affairs as originally set out in the Tenth Amendment.
Instead of the framers original meaning, we now have an oligarchy in Washington that believes that the common good of all Americans is what they were elected to rule over. The framers would surely disagree and point out to our modern representatives that their job is to represent the states in common issues and prepare for a national defense, not to solve all the ills of the various states, cities, and citizenry.
Our Federal Republic is set up not to be the problem solver for the failings of every facet of our society. At some point the individual states have to stand up and fix their own problems – or fail and start over. But regardless of whether a state fails or thrives, it should not be the Federal Republic who steps in to save them.
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6 years ago
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