Attorney General Eric Holder has announced that the government will move five of the terrorists (and that is what they are) to stand trial in the U.S. Federal Court in New York. I guess the question that must be asked is WHY? Didn’t the congress devise a method to specifically try these barbarians in a military court back in 2006 and 2007? Don’t wait on the translation, the answer is YES. And yes, Barak Obama was in attendance for that debate and supported the legislation that created this approved method for bringing these terrorists to justice through the aforementioned military courts.
Now the Obama Administration has fundamentally usurped that legislation by telling the American public that they are bringing these cowards to New York for a show trial that is going to do nothing other than glorify these five terrorists to their cultist followers the world over - NICE. So let’s look at some of the facts of this ignorant maneuver and let’s just see what the possible outcome(s) this act of lunacy will have.
First, think about the security involved and who are we keeping safe; them from us, us from them, them from other prisoners, them from their own, them from……never mind, you get the point. We have no idea who is protecting whom from what, or why. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) was supportive, but wanted to make sure that New York law enforcement would get reimbursed for the expense of providing protection for these incarcerated animals.
So let’s get this straight, they are currently under some of the strictest, most secure incarceration in the world, but instead of leaving them there, we are going to bring them into the U.S., where they will have enhanced rights under the law. Then we will have to pay more money for the protection/incarceration that they already have. Just not good head work on the expense of this process.
Second, in a military court they would be tried in a manner that would limit many of the rights they will have in the U.S. Court System. And before it gets asked, no they should not have the same rights as a U.S. Citizen. They will also have access to information that we have on them, their co-conspirators, and on their operations. If and when that information gets out, the terrorists all over the world will also have that information.
I can already hear those little brains a-whirlin’ in some of you, but if you don’t think that sort of information transfer will happen then remember this, it was during the trial of the “Blind Sheik,” that Al Qaeda got a hold of the observed terrorist list that was found during discovery and placed into evidence in that trial. With that information terrorists worldwide began to move to positions that would allow them more security. Funny how that works…isn’t it. These trials will also allow the opportunity to air our dirty laundry in public and allow these terrorists to get even more of their propaganda out.
Lastly, according to today’s paper, the Attorney General’s office has put out some talking points on this issue and one of them that struck me as completely ignorant is that since this was a “crime” against mostly civilians on American soil, then it should be tried in the civilian courts and not in a military courts whereas the USS Cole attackers should be tried in a military court. Makes you wonder about how the Attorney General’s office missed the fact that the Pentagon was also hit that day as well. I wonder what would have happened had the terrorist managed to hit the Capital or the White House, would those have been targets warranting trial in a military court or would you see that on a civilian court?
These terrorists were military combatants caught on a battlefield and as such they should be tried in a military court. But if the terrorists use the logic from the Attorney General’s office, terrorists will now reconsider striking military and government targets and start considering more domestic terrorism against civilian targets in America. That way they will receive a trial in an American civilian court – oh that’s genius!!!!
In the end, this is a bad idea and one most American people recognize as such. It is a choice for which Attorney General Eric Holder better prepare himself. President Obama is going to take some heat for this, but he will wiggle his way out of it and leave Attorney General Holder…uh…"holding" the bag.
See what I did there?
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