We often hear folks saying how much they are looking forward to the weekend and how much they dread Mondays or how much they look forward to Friday. But to be realistic for everyone concerned, Tuesday has got to be the best day of the week; hands down it’s definitely the most productive and least stressful day of the week.
Let’s look at this from a logical viewpoint. Let’s start with Wednesday or “Hump Day.” When Wednesday comes around it usually starts off well enough with nearly as much productivity as Tuesday, but by lunch it becomes convoluted with thoughts of the weekend and of what needs to be done in the next two days to get ready for the weekend.
Then Thursday rolls on in and the “one more day till the weekend” thought train wreaks havoc with the whole day. Concentrating on work goes right out the window as the thoughts of the weekend and what it might bring will most assuredly confuse everything.
Friday breezes in and before anything gets done, everyone is contemplating what minimal amount of work they can do to call it a “productive” day and then there is the concentration on how to be the first person out of work in order to start the weekend.
Saturday is a jumbled mess of trying to recover from Friday (or Friday night) and getting to the plans we have for the day. And what if there are no plans? Well then there is that perceived need to find something to do so as not to spoil a perfectly good day off from work.
Sunday is church, possibly recovering from Saturday night, and the preparation for the work week to come. Also there is the possibility cleaning up from the weekend that is tailing off; however, this is optional and can be left to Monday evening.
Next up, we fall into Monday only begrudgingly as we ponder where all the time went to do what we had planned over the weekend. Little if any productivity comes from Monday as everyone is trying to get back on track from a couple of days off. By the end of the day we are more prepared for the week but still dreading the remainder of the work week to come.
But Tuesday, well that is the day where last weekend is a distant memory and the up-coming weekend is still too far away to concern ourselves with. As a result, we concentrate better on Tuesday, have less distractions, and get much more accomplished that on any other day of the week. Think about it, there is no need t prepare for the weekend yet. If something needs to be done there is still three more weekdays to complete it. So with none of the pressures and distractions of the rest of the week, Tuesdays are most definitely the day of choice.
Maybe I’ll just pretend everyday is a Tuesday….
How many days until Friday again???