For those of us who are political junkies it’s hard to rationalize an existence where someone does not keep up with the current events of our times. So many people waltz through life with no idea of how the events in Washington or their state capital actually affect their daily lives. They simply see the problem as too big for them to do anything about and rely on others to handle the situation.
Some folks will say they did their part by voting, but did they really? It’s simple to go into the voting booth and select a name. The question is why are you selecting that name? Is it because that person believes as you do or is it because that person had a really cool commercial or a really catchy sound bite you heard?
Recently Howard Stern had one of his minions go out and do a man-on-the-street segment where he asked people questions about the presidential election. Not really hard questions like who is the Constitution Party’s Candidate (that would be Virgil Goode if you were wondering), but he had his reporter ask some none-the-less tough questions like if Mitt Romney being black would prevent you from voting for him? To which he mostly received a response of “No.”
Some of the other questions were such as; did they like President Obama’s selection of Paul Ryan as a running mate, how would Sarah Palin fare in this election, Can John McCain get more votes this election, if Obama has a second term can he get bin Laden, and others that were just as ridiculous. I say ridiculous because anyone with even a minor grasp of reality would know that these were all trick questions. Trick questions that were only asked to demonstrate the lack of knowledge 90 percent of America actually has about the politicians who are aspiring to, running for, or serving in elected office that do control our government.
I am writing this blog today not to solicit votes for either party, I have other blog sites for that and you can check those out if you want to as they are linked to this blog. Today I am writing this blog to ask each of you who will read this to take the time and check out the candidates who are running for office. Check out their records and what they have accomplished. Watch the upcoming debates on TV so you can get a feel for the candidates.
Whether you watch ABC News, CBS News, CNN, FOXNEWS, MSNBC, NBC news or any of the others; whether you read the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Austin American Statesman, Dallas Morning News, or the Washington Post; don’t go to the polls uneducated, be an informed voter. Get some facts, talk to those you’re close to, and learn what the candidate’s stance is on the issues; then you can go out and make an informed vote.
For far too long, Americans have simply voted based on name recognition and half-truths. Sadly, many politicians, and those who want them in power, will tell you what they think you need to hear to vote for their candidate. It’s not their job to make an informed choice, that’s your job. It’s their job to get elected and sadly many will do whatever they have to in order to accomplish that.
So this election season, get out and be active in the election process. Don’t wait until the last minute and make a spur of the moment decision. Get out and take a look at the candidates and see who best represents the values and beliefs you hold dear. Be a part of the solution, not an enabler, and thereby victim, of the problems.
I’m off my soapbox now!
Want Economic Development – Buy Local
6 years ago
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