In my never ending search to solve the problems that threaten to hinder the development and sustainability of all things this world has to develop and sustain I have come up with a few solutions that I think will revolutionize wealth redistribution and save the postal system!!
Exciting HUH?
First, how do we save the postal system?
We simply increase the amount of mail being sent through the postal system!!
Yeah, I know, that’s surprisingly simple; but how can we do this? Let me explain!!
First, we use the old-fashioned, time-tested, government-frowned upon system known as the chain-letter-pyramid-scheme. For those of you who do not know how this works let me explain. Working off the fabled (or made-up-by-me) “Law of Sixes” you send out a letter to six people. That letter lists six people that the receiving six are to send $1.00 each to. Then those receivers copy the letter, taking off the first name and putting their names at the end of the list, and then sending it to six more people.
Now if you do the math on this it helps both the people involved in the letter and the Postal System and here is how!!
It helps the people in the letter like this:
1st Round – 6 people equals $6.00 – It’s a start!!
2nd Round – 6 times 6 people equals $36.00 more – Total of $42.00 – That’s more!!
3rd Round – 6 x 6 x 6 equals $216.00 for a total of $258.00 – Now we’re starting to cook!!
4th Round – 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 equals $1,296.00 for a total of $1,554.00 – Vegas Here we come!!
5th Round – 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 equals $7,776.00 for a total of $9,330 – Caesar’s Palace Emperor’s Package!!
6th Round – 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 equals $46,656.00 for a total of $55,983.00 – King Ranch F-350 BABY!!
There you go, just starting this and sending out 6 letters can garner you this small fortune! Heck, you could seemingly do this for the price of $6.00 plus some postage and you could possibly earn thousands.
What a country!!
Of course there is this one tiny problem that involves the authorities and their frowning on this practice; something about an illegal pyramid scheme or something like that. But surely this is more of a guideline than a rule - RIGHT? I guess the government is concerned that this might put them out of the wealth redistribution business.
But look at it from the stand point of the USPS. For every dollar involved in this wealth-generating enterprise, that equates to one piece of mail equaling $0.46 at the current rate so let’s do the math for just this one complete mailing of letters. If everyone did their civic and patriotic duty (and who wouldn’t) all the pieces of mail involved with just these six levels would equate to $25,753.56.
AND if let’s take it a little further and say 100 million of the adults in America were to do this just once a year. That would add $46 million to the Postal Service’s coffers!!
Okay, maybe it doesn’t save the postal service but by golly we would be trying…AND, I would get a new King Ranch F-350 out of the deal!!
I’ll take the red one Mr. Car-Dealer!!
Want Economic Development – Buy Local
6 years ago
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