It had to happen sooner or later. From time to time I will speak on political topics. I know, my grandfathers both used to tell me the three things you never discuss in public are sex, love and politics (and not necessarily in that order).
Well, I promise to do my best to stay neutral on this site. That may mean that I have to create a second blog later that is more opinionated; but for right now, I am just going to try to play it like my golf game…right down the middle (yeah, I know that was cheesy). After all, this site is supposed to be about common sense in you everyday life and sometimes politics should require common sense.
Before I start this little episode, let me put out this disclaimer. I consider myself to be somewhere right of center in my political beliefs. My beliefs are just that - mine, and I generally am beholding to no party. So with that said, lets get going.
Last fall, before the election, a friend of mine wrote an article for one of the local papers in which he discussed the importance of not only voting, but of being an “informed voter.” This friend and I don’t always agree on every issue, but our political conversations are always interesting as we seek to have an intelligent dialogue on the issues. On this issue, he was absolutely correct. Whether you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative; a Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Whig, or a Republican, you should be informed.
Being an informed voter may sound like a lot of work, but it really isn’t. It only requires a person to pay attention to the news and maybe, occasionally read a newspaper from time to time. Not really a lot to ask, but you would be surprised how many people, who will go out and vote, have no idea about what is really going on in their own city hall much less the world.
Over the course of the normal day I often hear people discussing politics and while the subject can be tricky enough when discussing it with folks that are politically savvy, it can be impossible with modern internet/email informed people. The problem is that, too many folks take serious the slanted and even false information they get from the internet through emails, partisan web sites, and yes…blogs (well, I mean except for mine).
What is an “Omnibus Spending Package,” or a “Trade and Cap” policy? What is an “Earmark” and how does one affect spending? Do the terms “Continuing Resolution” or a “Cloture Vote“ sound even remotely familiar? Probably not, but these are the terms that will affect our futures and far too many voters know nothing of them.
During an election year, and then usually only a few months before the actual election, do most people even begin to pay any attention to what their representatives in government are doing. Who are those representatives in Washington, and in Austin? These are the people who have the most affect on your life and yet most people couldn’t name who their legislative representatives are or what they stand for.
I am a political junky and eat this stuff up about the same way a Las Vegas bookie knows sports. So in the future, from time to time, I will write an occasional blog that will give you some pointers and direction to sources for gathering information that will help. I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea; however, unlike sports, being an informed voter will make you more effective in helping to determine the future for us, our children and, someday, our grandchildren.
Sincerely, your non-partisan blogger,
Want Economic Development – Buy Local
6 years ago
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